Endless Sky
How do I escape?
How do I escape from the boredom,
The feeling that I'm concealing my potential?
The hands on the clock keep turning
Reaffirming that with every day that I remain here
I move further away from who I'm supposed to be
Stuck and slaving away for vermin
Exhausting my mind and soul for inadequacy
All that I should be, I'm not
This is what failure looks like
This is my fault
These scum fucks are dirt, bile, liars
The most fraudulent, the most counterfeit
And they impede my growth because I let them
My lungs are filled with shit, and I cannot breathe
Do good things come to those who wait?
A joke born from weak will and distorted perception
I have the capacity
Let me cut this rope and free myself
Now -- In a flash, I'm alive
On my own, I can dream of an endless sky
In the flesh, I've arrived
On my own, I can dream of an endless sky
Now at last, I'm alive
On my own, I can dream of an endless sky
I'm amassed, I've arrived
On my own, I can dream of an endless sky
I have survived
My ambitions remain, and this world is without limit
The colors of the surrounding firmament multiply inside my eye
I'm heading upstairs -- heading up there -- teleporting out of range
Boundless is this calming reverie -- never-ending, immeasurable
Time is trivial -- the horrid suffering gone and only peace remains
Now -- In a flash, I'm alive
On my own, I can dream of an endless sky
In the flesh, I've arrived
On my own, I can dream of an endless sky
Now at last, I'm alive
On my own, I can dream of an endless sky
I'm amassed, I've arrived
On my own, I can dream of an endless sky
I have survived
My ambitions remain, and this world is without limit
© Austin Taft. Published by Timewave Music Publishing (ASCAP).